Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Evangelism from the Heart


Source: WE CANNOT BUT TELL: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO HEART TO HEART EVANGELISM, by Ross Tooley, YWAM, 1990.  (These are condensed notes for teaching purposes.)


1.         Evangelism is the will of God.  Mark 16:15.

Ex.  A doctor in a train accident without his instruments watching people bleed, saying "If only I had my instruments, I could save these people."  God must say the same thing at times, as He looks on a hurting, lost world, and He needs His instruments, His Church, to minister to them.

2.         We must go where the people are.
We need both professional evangelists & personal everyday evangelism.
3.         We must show interest and concern for people. 
Ex.  John 4.  Jesus and the Samaritan woman.
4.         We must satisfy people's questions. 
2 Cor. 10:5, "We demolish arguments", this is spiritual warfare & ministering & correcting errors. 
5.         Not everyone can attend meetings; so personal evang. is needed.
6.         Not everyone can watch or hear Christian TV or radio broadcasts. 
Most unsaved never watch Christian TV; 1985 USA survey found only 6.2 % of Americans watched Christian TV.  Most developing countries have limited TV.
7.         Not everyone can read Christian literature. 
Many people don't read much, and many people are illiterate.
8.         If we are to reach the world, everyone must be involved.

World population was growing by 54,794 every day in 1970; more now.  If each Christian were to win & train 1 other each year, in 5 years the world would be won to Christ =  200 million, 400 m, 800 m, etc. According to estimates, more than 7 billion people live on our planet. Each day, some 200,000 new babies add to this figure, which works out to roughly 140 additional people per minute. Over an entire year, about 80 million humans are born—a number comparable to the combined populations of California, Texas and New York. Not every region of the world is witnessing this staggering rate of growth, however. In developed areas like Western Europe and Japan, the population has essentially stabilized, while in less developed countries fertility tends to be much higher. Even with this variation, experts predict that more than 9 billion people will jostle for space on Earth by 2050.

9.         Personal evangelism is a vital necessity to a well-balanced Christian life.
Evangelism will cause us personally to mature and grow in the Lord.

10.       There needs to be a restoration of emphasis on personal evangelism.
In contrast to other areas like Bible study, church and personal renewal, inner healing, etc., personal evangelism has been largely neglected among many Christians, and it needs to be restored.


1.  We should witness for Christ with enthusiasm.
A Christian witness should be joyful & enthused, yet honest.  If we are sourpusses, nobody will want what we have; they have enough trouble.
2.         We must use simple terms when we witness.
Use biblical non-intellectual simple terms, and also use relevant non-religious simply understandable terms.  Don't use "born again, saved", etc.
3.         We must be friendly.
We must show and represent God's love and friendliness, not anger.  Preach Good News, not bad news.  Don't be condemning, legalistic and negative.  "Whatever you do, always leave the unsaved in such a way that they will readily welcome another Christian into their life"
4.         We should be good listeners.
Don't be impatient, waiting only to speak, but compassionately listen.
5.         We should witness with boldness.
Don't be ashamed and fearful, but bold and confident in the Lord.   Be filled with the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:8; Eph. 5:18.


Prayer is crucially important in evangelism.  There is a direct relationship between prayer and effective evangelism.  Moses & Jesus prayed often, sometimes praying and fasting 40 days & nights.  Prayer is a necessary  prerequisite to revival; ex. the Welsh revival in 1904 with Evan Roberts.  Brokenness over sin and deep repentance is crucial to revival and evangelism.


Our personal testimony can be a powerful, effective evangelism tool.

1.         Let's witness to Christ.  We should witness to and glorify Christ, not our past, the devil, etc.
2.         Let's be relevant.  We should avoid irrelevant details or getting off the main subject.
3.         Let's be specific.  Tell specifically how and what Jesus has changed in you and your life.
4.         Let's make our testimonies up-to-date.  We must maintain a daily close relationship and relate
what Jesus is doing in our lives today.
5.         Let's be truthful.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13).  Be truthful.
6.         People love hearing honest stories about us.  People love humble human interest stories; they can then more easily identify with us.
Write out your testimony and practice giving it.  


We can use either the direct approach (Paul at Mars Hill in Athens, Acts 17), or an indirect approach (Jesus with Samaritan woman, John 4).

Believe in your commission from God, the rightness of sharing Jesus.  Be friendly, positive and complimentary; identify with your listener.

Introduce yourself and your organization and state your purpose.  Use wisdom; in some cultures avoid mentioning the church & Jesus at first.  Find out where they are, then build up from there (use the Engel's scale).

If they don't want to listen, respect their wishes and free will.  Leave good tracts if possible, and always be friendly.  Remember, it is always better to leave the path open for the next Christian to witness than for us to leave them with a bad taste in their mouths.



With Jews, Paul started with the OT scriptures & teachings familiar to Jews regarding Jehovah God, the law, Israel, the Messiah, and then progressed to new concepts regarding Jesus as the promised Messiah.

With Gentiles, Paul had a different approach.  Acts 14, at Lystra, Paul began with what they were familiar with, God as the Creator, and preached about the character and goodness of God to explain Him rightly  (He gave rain, good crops, food, etc).  Paul build on concepts they already held; he found common ground with them and built on that, teaching the truth of God's Word.  This is esp. good with animists.  Paul used a similar method at Mars Hill in Athens, Acts 17.  Paul first established the existence and goodness of the Creator God.  He then brought his hearers into accountability to God by announcing all people now had to repent.  He then introduced Christ as the only way to salvation.

There is a logical and correct time to introduce new concepts, even the concept that Jesus is the Son of God.  First the correct concept of God and His character needs to be established, then the sinfulness of man and his inability to save himself, then Jesus as the Son of God and Savior, etc.  This is esp. true with Moslems, who don't have a true picture of God's character and love.


How do you witness to atheists, "free thinkers", & Buddhists who don't believe in the concept of God?
1.         The proof of creation.
We can point to the magnificent creation, the universe and stars, our marvelous bodies, etc. to proof the existence of a Creator God, Rom. 1:20.  Ex: A watch or TV set cannot create or manufacture itself.
2.         The conscience.
Our sense of right and wrong, fairness, justice, and moral law all argue for the existence of God.  Romans 2:15; 1 Tim. 4:2; Heb. 9:14.

3.         Personal testimony.
Our personal testimony of God's forgiveness, salvation, peace, changed life, His miracle working power and healing, His protection, provision, etc can be a powerful argument and witness to God's and Jesus' reality, love and salvation.  It makes Jesus alive today, the Gospel according to you!


While many believe in a God, often their concept of God is very erroneous.  Often they see Him as a harsh and unyielding despot, not a loving forgiving Father.  Even Christians often see God wrongly, seeing Him as legalistic, etc.  Jesus reveals the love and character of God; His acceptance and unconditional love for Zacchaeus, Luke 19; Jesus & Peter.


1.  Sin is a choice.
God created man as a free moral agent with free choice able to obey  or disobey Him.  We must show that all people are accountable to God for their actions. 
2.         Sin is being independent of God.
Independence of God and man's self reliance and self-dependence is the essence of sin, Gen. 3. 
Man wants to "be God", "be his own boss".
3.         Sin is an attitude--not just an action.
Sin is not just outward adultery and murder, but also inward lust, hate, selfishness, pride, etc.  There are sins of both commission and omission.
4.         Our sin affects others.
Our sins don't just affect ourselves, but they also affect others.  Much of the suffering of the innocent is due to others' sins.
5.         The knowledge that sin is wrong is universal.
We will all be held accountable and guilty before God in judgment for our sins (Rom. 3:19).  We must have a soft heart, yet show the extreme seriousness of sin.


Many times we spoil our testifying because we offer the remedy without first giving any understanding of man's terrible malady.  We need to bring our listeners to the point where they truly realize that they are sinners and in need of God's forgiveness and salvation. 

In a kind way, we must face our friends with their accountability by asking the question: "How can someone approach a holy and good God and live in harmony with Him when they have sinned deliberately against Him?"  At this point, pause in the conversation.  Let the Spirit of God speak, and let them think.  



After your listener fully realizes they are a sinner in need of salvation, point him or her to Jesus as the only One who can save them (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

The shedding of blood and sacrifice was legally necessary to atone for man's sins.  God chose crucifixion to break man's heart over his sin and show the seriousness of his sin. 

Through the cross, God is just in that He rightfully discourages sin, but at the same time He extends the opportunity for mercy and forgiveness.


Jesus' death on the cross doesn't automatically save and forgive everyone, whether they believe or not.

A true story: A man in the USA was condemned to death for a violent crime.  His friend was able to obtain a pardon from the governor.  For some strange reason, the condemned man refused the pardon.  A special court was called to decide the case.  The decision was "The pardon was valid only if the condemned man would receive it.  Because he has rejected it, the pardon cannot take effect."  The man was executed.  Nobody was sadder than the friend who had tried so hard to save him.

Analogy: Although Jesus died for all people's sins, they cannot receive God's forgiveness and pardon unless they personally receive this forgiveness through repentance and faith in Jesus.  If they refuse, God is heartbroken, and they will not be saved.

We often have a tendency to rush in and pray the sinner's prayer with someone before he or she is ready.  Just as danger can be caused to a baby through a premature delivery, so too can damage occur in the life of an individual who is led in a sinner's prayer before the proper time.

REPENTANCE IS MORE THAN CONFESSION.  It is being truly sorry for and forsaking sin.
1.         We are required to turn from sin.  Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5; I Cor. 6:9-10.
2.         We are required to turn from the world.  1 John 2:15; James 4:4.
3.         We are required to turn from ourselves.  2 Cor. 5:15; Luke 14:26.
4.         We are required to turn from the devil.  Luke 4:1-13; James 4:7.
5.         We are required to turn from idols.  1 Thess. 1:9-10; Rev. 21:8.
6.         We are required to turn from our careers if necessary. Mark 1:17.  Ex: Moses, Paul.
7.         We are required to make restitution where necessary.  Luke 19:8.  Ex: Zacchaeus.


1.         Believe that Jesus is the only way.  John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5.
2.         Make Jesus Lord.  Matt. 7:21; Luke 6:46; James 2:14-24.
3.         Witness for Christ.  Matt. 10:32-33; Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18.

Only when a person is truly ready, pray the sinner's prayer with him.  If a person is not ready, ask to pray for him that God will reveal His love to him, etc.  Do not "pick green fruit."


Note Jesus' terms of discipleship, Luke 14:25-35.  People need to consider the price of discipleship, and take sufficient time before making a decision (author's view).

To carry our cross means death to our personal pride and ambition.

We must be honest and not preach a rosy "pie in the sky" gospel, but share the truth that hardships and persecution will accompany our following Jesus at times, and that sometimes we may suffer persecution because we are Christians.

                                                         III.  PRESERVING THE RESULTS


There are two basic kinds of follow-up:  (1)  to those interested in Jesus;  (2)  to new converts.

New convert follow-up is crucially important to new convert growth.  It can be thrilling work.
John Wesley had much more lasting fruit than George Whitefield because Wesley really cared for and organized his converts.  Good follow up assures "fruit that remains".  1 Thess. 2:19;  2 Tim. 2:2.  Paul is a good example:

1.         Paul revisited and followed up his converts when he could.  Ex: His missionary journeys.
2.         Paul labored in prayer for his converts.  Gal. 4:19; Eph. 1:15.
3.         Paul wrote letters to teach and encourage his converts.

1.         The necessity of prayer.
2.         The importance of Bible reading and study.
3.         The importance of living a holy life.
4.         The necessity of fellowshipping with other Christians.
5.         The importance of witnessing to others.


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