Tuesday, May 05, 2015

A pastor must decide what kind of obedience, impact, and heritage he will leave. All Christians really must do the same. We all have the same commands of scripture and hold the same Bible in hand.

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).

In his book, "The Making of a Disciple," Keith Phillips shows how Jesus' plan, if followed, would reach the whole world. It has been the desire and goal of our lives to see the World come to Jesus.

The chart below assumes the evangelist reaches one person a day, and the disciple trains one person a year (then each disciple in turn trains others, etc.).

      YEAR           EVANGELIST            DISCIPLER
          1                         365                                 2
          2                         730                                 4
          3                      1,095                                 8
          4                      1,460                               16
          5                      1,825                               32
          6                      2,190                               64
          7                      2,555                             128
          8                      2,920                             256
          9                      3,285                             512
          10                    3,650                          1,024
          11                    4,015                          2,048
          12                    4,380                          4,096
          13                    4,745                          8,192
          14                    5,110                        16,384
          15                    5,475                        32,768
          20                    7,300                   1,048,576
          25                    9,125                 33,554,432
          30                  10,950            1,037,741,824

Pray for God to give you two people this year to invest in their eternity. As a Missionary I have often prayed for the Lost of the world. Many times I have done an illustrated sermon of the opportunity of discipleship to win our world. In a crowd of 100 people, between year six and seven the entire congregation as an example of community would be discipled and won. Please pray Lord of the Harvest for laborers. Please join the ranks of discipling. You are either discipling others or need to be discipled.



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